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dc.subject.cnpqEngenharia de Alimentos.pt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqTecnologia de alimentos.pt_BR
dc.titleInterdisciplinary studies in Food Engineering and technology.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe Interdisciplinary Studies in Food Engineering and Technology collection (Volume 1) emphasizes the importance that food science plays worldwide in the development of new foods using emerging technologies and the use of raw materials of high nutritional value, especially sweet potatoes [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]; beetroot [Beta vulgaris (L.)] ; seriguelas [Spondias purpúrea (L.)] pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merril.] and cashew [Anacardium occidentale (L.)] residues; and dulce de leche with whey, from Cariri Paraibano. Brazil has stood out in this sense, the development of new foods and ingredients reveals the scientific potential of its researchers, increasingly encouraging innovation and the use of local raw materials such as fruits, vegetables,grains and seeds, revealing its megabiodiversity. In each chapter of the collection, new product formulations were developed using new processing strategies to reduce loss and waste, creating new food structures that rely on the use of husks, stalks, leaves and seeds, in addition to milk byproducts, with emphasis on the whey. In the entire collection, research effectively contributes to the implementation of the circular economy in food systems, in the search for nutritious, quality and safe food and, above all, in the reduction of food waste. Climate change and the earth's ability to regenerate its own resources is drastically decreasing and the population growth estimated for 2050 will lead to crisis in several sectors, as has happened in these last two years in food systems in the face of the COVID19 pandemic. Food science combined with new processing technologies is essential to ensure food safety, contributing to the transition from the current food system to a more efficient food system. In this way, food science is strongly present to ensure food safety and decisions must take into account the most technologically efficient, from the choice of raw material to the final product. In this sense, scientific research has a fundamental and strategic role. All the versatility of this new collection evidences the seriousness of all researchers in each chapter, I consider the fundamental work, deserves to be read and appreciated by all those interested in the area. I feel professionally gratified for having been chosen to preface this work, which I do with great honor. (Marcelo Bregagnoli).pt_BR
dc.subjectFunctional foodspt_BR
dc.subjectPowered foodspt_BR
dc.subjectVegetables processingpt_BR
dc.subjectTecnologia de Alimentospt_BR
dc.subjectFood Engineeringpt_BR
dc.subjectEngenharia de Alimentospt_BR
dc.subjectPolpa de saputipt_BR
dc.subjectSaputi pulppt_BR
dc.subjectSiriguela powderpt_BR
dc.subjectSpray dryer - foodspt_BR
dc.subjectSweet potatopt_BR
dc.subjectBatata docept_BR
dc.subjectCoalho cheesept_BR
dc.subjectQueijo de coalhopt_BR
dc.subjectSweet milk added from wheypt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.creatorSILVA, Virgínia Mirtes de Alcântara.-
dc.creatorRIBEIRO, Victor Herbert de Alcântara.-
dc.creatorALBUQUERQUE, Juliana Cruz.-
dc.creatorRODRIGUES, Larissa Monique de Sousa.-
dc.creatorSANTOS, Rebeca Morais Silva.-
dc.creatorSOUSA, Francisca Moisés de.-
dc.creatorOLIVEIRA, Alison dos Santos.-
dc.creatorSILVA, Rosenildo dos Santos.-
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Campina Grandept_BR
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, Virgínia Mirtes de Alcântara; RIBEIRO, Victor Herbert de Alcântara (Organizadores). Interdisciplinary studies in Food Engineering and technology. Campina Grande - PB: EPTEC, 2022. ISBN: 978-65-00-46420-7. Disponível em:
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