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Title: Food processing and preservation.
???metadata.dc.creator???: SILVA, Virgínia Mirtes de Alcântara.
RIBEIRO, Victor Herbert de Alcântara.
BRITO, Ana Carla Oliveira de.
ALBUQUERQUE, Juliana Cruz.
SARAIVA, Maria Monique Tavares.
SILVA, Aline Priscila de França.
ANDRADE, Fabrícia Santos.
Keywords: Food processig;Food preservation;Tropical fruits;Sugars;Chemical compositions - fruits;Physicochemical characterization;Passion fruit;Passiflora edulis;Graviola;Annona miricata L.;Pumpkin;Cucurbita moschata Duch;Seeds - drying process;Jaca berries - conective drying;Artocapus heterophyllus;Banana - drying kinetics;Kale stems;Sapodilla pulp;Manilkara sapota L.;Physicochemical characterization of the sugar profile - sapodilla pulp;Black rice grains
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: SILVA, Virgínia Mirtes de Alcântara; RIBEIRO, Victor Herbert de Alcântara (organizadores). Food processing and preservation. Campina Grande - PB: EPTEC, 2022. ISBN: 978-65-00-41156-0. Disponível em:
Abstract: The work FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION materializes the effort of a research team with a goal of promoting a change in food systems, to stimulate regenerative ones, through the production of safe food. The disruption of various sectors, including the economic sector, caused by COVID19 has highlighted the need to rebuild more resilient food systems, and all this involves building a food system that restores natural resources instead of depleting them. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize population growth and the demand for animal and plant growth will require efficiency and changes in food production sectors and Brazil has the potential to promote food and nutritional security for its population. For this to happen, technological innovation and committed research are needed, which in recent years have intensified products through their own science in the development of the use of efficient nutritional matrices. I highlight the importance of family members who already adopt these new regenerative practices and are essential. In each chapter we observe the use of emerging techniques, green chemistry and the efficiency of the mathematical models used. The choice of strategic food matrices with nutritional value such as passion fruit, soursop and pumpkin seeds, banana peels, jackfruit berries, kale, sapodilla pulp, black rice and okra were important, as well as byproducts of the agroindustry peels, stalks, seeds that are easily integrated into the development of new foods, additives and ingredients. All the versatility of this new research team, in the choice of techniques and raw techniques and its industrial potential in development. This is an excellent instrument for applying work increasingly to an innovative potential in the world.
Keywords: Food processig
Food preservation
Tropical fruits
Chemical compositions - fruits
Physicochemical characterization
Passion fruit
Passiflora edulis
Annona miricata L.
Cucurbita moschata Duch
Seeds - drying process
Jaca berries - conective drying
Artocapus heterophyllus
Banana - drying kinetics
Kale stems
Sapodilla pulp
Manilkara sapota L.
Physicochemical characterization of the sugar profile - sapodilla pulp
Black rice grains
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Engenharia de Alimentos.
Tecnologia de alimentos.
Appears in Collections:Livros e E-books - CTRN

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