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Title: Emerging technologies for the development of efficient foods v.1.
???metadata.dc.creator???: SILVA, Virgínia Mirtes de Alcântara.
RIBEIRO, Victor Herbert de Alcântara.
ALBUQUERQUE, Juliana Cruz.
SILVA, Rosenildo dos Santos.
SILVA, Eugênia Telis de Vilela.
NOGUEIRA, Lídia Paloma da Silva.
PINHEIRO, Larissa da Silva Santos.
BESERRA, Yolanda Albertina Silva.
Keywords: Emerging technologies - efficient foods;Efficient foods;New foods;Plant based;Ethanol and ultrasound - drying of strawberries;Drying of strawberries;Ultrasound time - phenotic compounds - efects;Ora-pro-nóbis;Pereskia aculeata Mill;Antioxidant activity;Method FRAP;Method DPPH;Bean flour;Soy protein hamburger with added bean flour;Centesimal composition - peanut;Centesimal composition - lentil;Centesimal composition - pumpkin sprouts;Pumpkin sprouts;Lentil;Penut;Total phenolic compounds;Requeijão com pimenta biquinho;Capsicum chinense;Water soluble extract of cashew nuts;Tecnologia de Alimentos;Alimentos eficientes;Food Technologies;Food Science
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: SILVA, Virgínia Mirtes de Alcântara; RIBEIRO, Victor Herbert de Alcântara (organizadores). Emerging technologies for the development of eficient foods v.I. Campina Grande - PB: EPTEC, 2022. ISBN: 978-65-00-51311-0.
Abstract: The collection EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EFFICIENT FOODS – Vol. 1 emphasizes the importance that food science plays around the world in the development of new foods using emerging technologies and the use of raw materials of high nutritional value, with emphasis on this first volume with food and beverage formulations based on plants that is a worldwide reality. This first volume was a challenge because developing plantbased product formulations requires a lot of research regarding appearance, texture, flavor and aromas. Currently, research is advancing in the development of plantbased products such as hamburgers, nuggets, meatballs, mayonnaise, sausage, curd, yogurt, fish and chicken strips that have characteristics such as flavor, texture, aroma equal to analogues of animal origin. With regard to beverages, “milk”, that is, the aqueous plantbased extract does not contain lactose or cholesterol, has a high protein content and many contain added calcium and vitamin B. The most consumed today are milk, milk almond, soy, rice and coconut, as well as others such as pea milk, lupine, lingho, hazelnut, cashew and hemp. Brazil has stood out in this regard, the development of new foods and ingredients revealing the scientific potential of its researchers, increasingly encouraging innovation and the use of local raw materials such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds, revealing its mega biodiversity. In each chapter of the collection, new product formulations were developed using emerging processing technologies such as ultrasound, ultrahigh pressure homogenization (UHPH), enzymeassisted extraction among others, with a lot of creativity to develop new food structures. Throughout the collection, research effectively contributes to the implementation of the circular economy in food systems, in the search for nutritious, quality and safe food and, above all, in the reduction of food waste. The effect of climate change, the crisis in food systems and the earth's ability to regenerate its own resources are decreasing dramatically and the population growth estimated for 2050 will demand an increase in the consumption of animal and plant protein. In this way, food science combined with new emerging processing technologies using strategic raw materials is essential to ensure food safety, contributing to the transition from the current food system to a more efficient and cleaner food system combined with a zero carbon economy. In this way, food science is strongly present to ensure food safety and decisions must take into account what is technologically most efficient, from the choice of raw material to the final product. In this sense, scientific research has a fundamental and strategic role. All the versatility of this new collection evidences the seriousness of all researchers in each chapter, I consider the work fundamental, deserves to be read and appreciated by all those interested in the area. I feel professionally gratified to have been chosen to preface this work, which I do with great honor.
Keywords: Emerging technologies - efficient foods
Efficient foods
New foods
Plant based
Ethanol and ultrasound - drying of strawberries
Drying of strawberries
Ultrasound time - phenotic compounds - efects
Pereskia aculeata Mill
Antioxidant activity
Method FRAP
Method DPPH
Bean flour
Soy protein hamburger with added bean flour
Centesimal composition - peanut
Centesimal composition - lentil
Centesimal composition - pumpkin sprouts
Pumpkin sprouts
Total phenolic compounds
Requeijão com pimenta biquinho
Capsicum chinense
Water soluble extract of cashew nuts
Tecnologia de Alimentos
Alimentos eficientes
Food Technologies
Food Science
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Engenharia de Alimentos.
Appears in Collections:Livros e E-books - CTRN

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