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dc.description.resumoThe PPGCJ-UFPB team chose to study the case known as Turmalina Paraíba (paraiba tourmaline), a rare gemstone discovered in the State of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil, an area of semi-arid climate, very poor, located in the region of Seridó Ocidental Paraibano, 316 km from the city of João Pessoa, the state’s capital. The case is about the police investigation and court inquiry looking into wrongdoings committed in the illegal mining of this mineral. Paraiba is a rare bluish green variety of tourmaline and highly coveted in the international jewelry market, especially after having been deemed extremely scarce by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). As a result, its prices have climbed rapidly. Today, the so-called “paraiba tourmaline,” named after the Brazilian state where it was found, is fashioned for select wealthy customers by jewelers operating in Brazil, such as Amsterdam Sauer and H. Stern, and abroad, like Dior and Tifany & Co. UK. Considered an exotic product, the gem’s carat (0.2 grams) is estimated to be worth USD 30,000 on average but may reach USD 100,000 depending on the stone’s features, according to an information iled by the Federal Prosecution Oice (MPF, in Portuguese). In 2014 and along with the Brazilian Federal Police, the MPF launched a probe they called Operação Sete Chaves, Police Investigation no. 0000451-81.2014.04.05.8205, to look into environmental crimes reported as substantive joinder of offenses; illegal mining operations reported as formal joinder of ofenses; and money laundering, all of them repeated crimes. The information – no. 0800142-85.2018.4.05.8205 – is being processed by the 14th Federal Court of the Paraíba Federal Court System (JFPB). The conspiracy involves cases of illegal gemstone trade, bank accounts used for money laundering, tax fraud on the export of goods, and other wrongdoings. This mineral’s mining conditions and the entire network of ofenses surrounding it point to human rights violations that encompass environmental crimes in an area acutely afected by droughts and leading to severe social impacts; labor law violations, such as illegal mining using forced labor, while giving nothing back to society from the wealth extracted from the ground, and workers exploited under extreme heat for working days lasting 12 hours or more in 80 meter deep pits; crimes against the human right to development, including tax and customs duty fraud, and others.pt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqDireitos Humanos.pt_BR
dc.titleTurmalina Paraíba Case: analysis of legal developments and Human Rights violations.pt_BR
dc.typeCapítulo de Livropt_BR
dc.subjectTurmalina Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectViolação de Direitos Humanospt_BR
dc.subjectDireitos Humanospt_BR
dc.subjectOperação Sete Chaves - Ministério Público Federal - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectCaso das Pedras Turmalinas - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectMineração - Pedras Turmalinas - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectMineração ilegal - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectParaiba Tourmalinept_BR
dc.subjectViolation of Human Rightspt_BR
dc.subjectHuman rightspt_BR
dc.subjectOperation Seven Keys - Federal Public Ministry - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectCase of Tourmaline Stones - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectMining - Tourmaline Stones - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectIllegal mining - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectTourmaline Paraïbapt_BR
dc.subjectViolation des droits de l'hommept_BR
dc.subjectDroits humainspt_BR
dc.subjectOpération Sept Clés - Ministère Public Fédéral - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectCoffret de Pierres Tourmalines - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectExploitation minière - Pierres de tourmaline - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectExploitation minière illégale - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectTurmalina Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectViolación de los Derechos Humanospt_BR
dc.subjectDerechos humanospt_BR
dc.subjectOperación Siete Llaves - Ministerio Público Federal - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.subjectEstuche de Piedras Turmalina - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectMinería - Turmalina Piedras - PBpt_BR
dc.subjectMinería ilegal - Paraíbapt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.creatorFEITOSA, Maria Luiza Pereira de Alencar Mayer.-
dc.creatorGABÍNIO, Adriana de Medeiros.-
dc.creatorVASCONCELOS FILHO, Antônio Alves de.-
dc.creatorDAMASCENDO, Gilmara Benevides Costa Soares.-
dc.creatorSILVA, José Irivaldo Alves Oliveira.-
dc.creatorMIRANDA, Igor Caio Alves de.-
dc.creatorCOSTA NETO, Juvêncio Almeida.-
dc.creatorASSIS, Luciana Vilar.-
dc.creatorLIMA, Ylana Zálife de Farias.-
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Campina Grandept_BR
dc.title.alternativeTurmalina Paraíba Case: analysis of legal developments and Human Rights violations.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, José Irivaldo Alves Oliveira et al. Turmalina Paraíba Case: analysis of legal developments and Human Rights violations. In: MATHIS, Adriana de Azevedo; ZOMBRANO, Gustavo; HENAO, Magdalena Correa; FEITOSA, Maria Luiza Alencar Mayer (Organizadores). Policies for the regulation of transnational corporations due to human rights violations in Latin América: cases studies. Goiânia: Cegraf UFG; João Pessoa: Editora da UFPB, 2020. p.375-421. ISBN: 978-65-89504-12-2 (Cegraf UFG); ISBN: 978-65-5942-097-1 (Ed. UFPB). Disponível em:
Appears in Collections:Capítulos de Livros - CDSA

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