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Title: Total quality control and Shewart Method as auxiliary tools on the practice of lean construction process.
???metadata.dc.creator???: VIDOLIN, Ana Celia.
ROMANO, Cezar Augusto.
Keywords: Total quality;Total quality control;Qualidade total;Lean Construction;Control process;Shewart Method;Controle de processos;Qualité totale;Contrôle qualité total;Qualité totale;Construction allégée;Processus de contrôle;Méthode Shewart;Contrôle de processus
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: VIDOLIN, Ana Celia; ROMANO, Cezar Augusto. Total quality control and Shewart Method as auxiliary tools on the practice of lean construction process. In: SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 8., 2020. Anais [...]. Caruaru - PE: UNIFAVIP, 2020. ISSN: 2318-9258. Disponível em:
???metadata.dc.description.resumo???: The paper aims to evaluate the improvement of the civil construction applying the total quality control, Shewart Method, in combination with the lean construction process. Total quality control is all dimensions that influence people's satisfaction and, consequently, business survival. Shewart Method or PDCA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, and Act) is a path for the application of the processes control. Each part of the PDCA Cycle claims specific actions and metrics. By combining the philosophy of lean construction with total quality control and PDCA Cycle, there is an exciting arrangement; due to the fact, they could contribute to practice and better results of civil construction. The methodology consisted of an applied, exploratory and qualitative research, the bibliographical research made from the survey of theoretical references, combining analysis of the technical documents and interpretation of the same and the elements under study. Total Quality Control (QTC) manages the quality, cost, delivery, morale, and the safety of employees and users. Essentially the total quality control is a management system that associates all dimensions to cover the survival of the company. Shewart Method is the method that analyses the process since the planning phase to the result is obtained in search of continuous improvement and reflects in its four stages. The basis of the philosophy of constant improvement. The characteristics of Total Quality Control and Shewart Method, when applied together, they could collaborate with lean construction and increase the management level of the company. The recommendation revealed congruent and complementary aspects when analyzed with lean construction. The reason for the company's existence is the customer, intrinsic quality, cost management, delivery on correct time and quantity, respect for the customer, as total control of quality's aspects. As having a connection between these three elements cited, they combine theoretical aspects to attain results. The contribution that this article presents is the reflection on complementarity techniques that integrate and attempt positive results for the construction industry.
Keywords: Total quality
Total quality control
Qualidade total
Lean Construction
Control process
Shewart Method
Controle de processos
Qualité totale
Contrôle qualité total
Qualité totale
Construction allégée
Processus de contrôle
Méthode Shewart
Contrôle de processus
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Engenharia de Produção.
Appears in Collections:Anais do Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção SIMEP

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