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Title: The amazonian native rubber for design and fashion: analysis of the interface of crafts with product life cycle framework.
Other Titles: A borracha nativa amazônica para design e moda: análise da interface do artesanato com o enquadramento do ciclo de vida do produto.
???metadata.dc.creator???: DUARTE, Luciana dos Santos.
Keywords: Amazonian native rubber;Borracha da Amazônia;Amazonian design;Arts and crafts;Product life cycle;Ciclo de vida de produto;Amazonian fashion;Moda Amazônica;Amazon Rubber;Product life cycle;Amazon fashion;Amazon Fashion
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: DUARTE, Luciana dos Santos. The amazonian native rubber for design and fashion: analysis of the interface of crafts with product life cycle framework. In: XI SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 11, 2023. Anais [...]. Campina Grande - PB, Garden Hotel & Resort,, 2023. ISSN: 2318-9258. Disponível em:
???metadata.dc.description.resumo???: Despite the end of the rubber cycle in the Brazilian Amazon, some sociotechnical systems based on latex extractivism have been developed in the forest in the past three decades, producing materials and products for fashion and design value chains. Given this context, this research analyzes fifteen cases studies of rubber materials and products produced by rural workers, indigenous people, and rubber tappers. The main goal is to comprehend the development stage of rubber materials and products in the Amazon. Covering a period from 1992 to 2022, with a fieldwork in Acre, the cases were analyzed according to six Approaches of Crafts, and the Product Life Cycle framework. The main results show that most initiatives have achieved their growth or have failed. The predominant craft approach identified was the Productivist one, which perpetuates dependent relationships. This research tried to fill a gap in the literature of the Amazonian native rubber materials and products for fashion and design. Future research should include fieldwork in Pará, investigate the artistic aspect of crafts, and differentiate the working process of rural workers from indigenous people.
Keywords: Amazonian native rubber
Borracha da Amazônia
Amazonian design
Arts and crafts
Product life cycle
Ciclo de vida de produto
Amazonian fashion
Moda Amazônica
Amazon Rubber
Product life cycle
Amazon fashion
Amazon Fashion
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Engenharia de Produção.
Appears in Collections:Anais do Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção SIMEP

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THE AMAZONIAN NATIVE RUBBER FOR DESIGN AND FASHION - ANALYSIS OF THE INTERFACE OF CRAFTS - ANAIS XI SIMEP ARTIGO 2023.pdfThe amazonian native rubber for design and fashion: analysis of the interface of crafts with product life cycle framework. - Anais XI SIMEP Artigo 2023451.9 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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