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Title: The meaning and sociolegal importance of river basins.
Other Titles: O significado e a importância sociojurídica das bacias hidrográficas.
???metadata.dc.creator???: SILVA, José Irivaldo Alves Oliveira.
Keywords: Cooperação México e Brasil - pesquisa;Bacias hidrográficas;River basins;Watershed management;Territorial inequalities;Water security;JUST-SIDE network - México and Brazil;Injustiças territoriais;Mexico and Brazil Cooperation - research;Watersheds
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: SILVA, José Irivaldo Alves Oliveira; BURGOS, Ana L. The meaning and sociolegal importance of river basins. In. ARAGÃO, Alexandra (editora técnica). Transforming spatial data into public policies for social justice and environmental sustainability. s.l: Cambridge Scholard Publishing, 2023. (Chapter Thirteen). ISBN: 978-1-5275-0925-2. Disponível em:
???metadata.dc.description.resumo???: O presente capítulo é resultado de colaboração entre membros Méxicanos e Brasileiros da rede JUST-SIDE e analisa o caráter sociojurídico da unidade espacial conhecida como bacia hidrográfica. O objetivo é colocar as bacias hidrográficas no centro do debate de planejamento para o desenvolvimento sustentável, considerando a redução de injustiças sociais dentro de seus limites utilizando a sua dimensão sociojurídica. Após uma breve revisão dos estatutos legais para a gestão de bacias hidrográficas no México e no Brasil, defendemos que as situações de injustiça territorial poderiam ser reduzidas com uma abordagem de bacia hidrográfica se a dimensão sociojurídica, que apresenta deficiências claras, fosse melhorada. Através de estudos de caso, demonstramos a importância de considerar esta unidade geográfica como um conglomerado de territórios que possuem uma dimensão sociojurídica que deve ser orientada para a redução das injustiças territoriais ocorridas dentro dos seus limites. Muitas vezes, as populações mais vulneráveis numa bacia são as mais atingidas por modelos de desenvolvimento que prejudicam recursos comuns, como a água, através de atividades como a mineração (o caso brasileiro) e as hidrelétricas (o caso mexicano). Finalmente, enfatizamos que a implementação de uma gestão integrada de bacias hidrográficas com apoio sociolegal adequado é fundamental para sustentar esquemas de boa governança, incluindo a coprodução de mapeamento participativo.
Abstract: This chapter is the result of a collaboration between Mexican and Bra- zilian members of the JUST-SIDE network to analyze the sociolegal char- acter of the spatial unit known as the watershed. The objective is to place the watershed at the center of the debate on planning for sustainable devel- opment, considering the reduction of territorial injustices within its bound- aries and using its sociolegal dimension. Following a brief review of the legal ffameworks for watershed management in México and Brazil, we ar- gue that situations of territorial injustice could be reduced with a watershed 1 Professor of the undergraduate degree in public management at the Federal Uni- versity of Campina Grande, Brazil, and master’s degree in water resources management and public administration of the same institution. PhD in social Science, PhD in law, and postdoctorate in environmental law and regional development. Júnior visiting professor abroad with funds from CAPES, University of Alicante, Univer- sity Institute of Water and Environmental Science (IUACA). CNPQ Research Productivity Scholarship. 2 Titular researcher at the Research Centre of Environmental Geography (CIGA) National Autonomous University of México (UNAM). Master’s degree in ecology and PhD in biological Sciences from UNAM-Mexico. Professor in the Graduate Program of Sustainability Sciences and the Graduate Program in Geography at UNAM. Founding member of the Latin American Networks for Rural Innovation (Red LatTR). Specialties in water security and watershed management; sustainable rural development and rural innovation, transdisciplinary research and complexity approach to territorial management. approach if the sociolegal dimension, which shows clear weaknesses, is im- proved. Through case studies, we demonstrate the importance of considering this geographical unit as a conglomerate of territories that have a sociolegal dimension that should be oriented toward the reduction of territorial injustices occurring within their boundaries. Often, the most vulnerable populations in a basin are the hardest hit by development models that dam- age common resources such as water through activities such as mining (the Brazilian case) and hydroelectric darns (the Mexican case). Finally, we em- phasize that the implementation of integrated watershed management with adequate sociolegal support is key to sustaining good govemance schemes, including the coproduction of participatory mapping.
Keywords: Cooperação México e Brasil - pesquisa
Bacias hidrográficas
River basins
Watershed management
Territorial inequalities
Water security
JUST-SIDE network - México and Brazil
Injustiças territoriais
Mexico and Brazil Cooperation - research
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Direito.
Appears in Collections:Capítulos de Livros - CDSA

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