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Title: Reconnaissance publique des acteurs collectifs de l’agriculture familiale au Nordeste.
Other Titles: Public recognition of collective stakeholders in Northeast Brazil family farming
Reconhecimento público dos atores coletivos da agricultura familiar do Nordeste (Brasil).
???metadata.dc.creator???: SABOURIN, Eric.
DUQUE, Ghislaine.
DINIZ, Paulo Cesar Oliveira.
GRANCHAMP, Laurence.
Keywords: Agricultura familiar;Atores coletivos;Nordeste brasileiro - agricultura familiar;Sociologia rural;Sistemas agrários;Family farming;Collective actors;Brazilian Northeast - family farming;Rural sociology;Agrarian systems
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: SABOURIN, Eric; DUQUE, Ghislaine; DINIZ, Paulo Cesar Oliveira; GRANCHAMP, Laurence. Reconnaissance publique des acteurs collectifs de l’agriculture familiale au Nordeste. Cahiers Agricultures vol. 14, n° 1, janvier-février 2005. Disponível em:
???metadata.dc.description.resumo???: Agricultores do Nordeste têm desenvolvido nestes últimos anos novas formas de ação coletiva nas comunidades camponesas e organizações profissionais agrícolas. Este artigo analisa a origem, os fatores de emergência e impacto destas iniciativas locais ou regionais bem como suas relações com os movimentos sociais e o Estado. Estes novos atores ou práticas correspondem principalmente a dispositivos coletivos de gestão de recursos naturais (água, pastagens, sementes) e/ou de bens públicos: qualificação, informação, inovação, acesso a mercados específicos. O artigo tira algumas lições dessas experiências.
Abstract: In recent years, peasant communities and family farmers’ organisations have developed new forms of collective action among smallholders in NorthEast Brazil. This paper analyses the origins, emergence, and impact of these local and regional initiatives as well as their relations with peasant social movements and with public institutions. These smallholders groups constitute collective systems for the management of natural resources (water, grazing, forest, seeds and bio-diversity) and/or the production of public assets (information, training, access to innovation and to specific markets). In the Northeast, particularly in the State of Paraíba, their experience has mobilised social and professional networks among civil society and led to demands in hybrid forums for public recognition or, better, public support from State institutions. The authors analyse the first lessons from, and the limitations of, these new forms of interaction between peasant collective action and State public action. This movement is related to the decentralisation process underway in Brazil and the first inter-municipal initiatives. There is a risk that civil society might substitute for the State in the performance of its functions; but the public obligations of these collective stakeholders also ensure locally adapted responses to the complexity and specificity of public policies. The new government has staked its programs on civil society participation. But we can already observe some tensions between the government, social movements and local politicians. In a political system with elections every two years, it is difficult to maintain participatory processes that require longer periods for concrete results.
???metadata.dc.description.resume???: Des agriculteurs du Nordeste ont développé ces dernières années de nouvelles formes d’action collective au niveau des communautés paysannes et des organisations professionnelles agricoles. L’article analyse l’origine, les facteurs d’émergence et l’impact de ces initiatives locales ou régionales ainsi que leurs relations avec les mouvements sociaux et avec l’État. Ces nouveaux acteurs ou ces nouvelles pratiques correspondent principalement à des dispositifs collectifs de gestion de ressources naturelles (eau, pâturages, semences) et/ou de production de biens publics : formation, information, innovation, accès à des marchés spécifiques. L’article tire quelques leçons de ces expériences.
Keywords: Agricultura familiar
Atores coletivos
Nordeste brasileiro - agricultura familiar
Sociologia rural
Sistemas agrários
Family farming
Collective actors
Brazilian Northeast - family farming
Rural sociology
Agrarian systems
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Ciências Sociais.
Appears in Collections:Artigos Científicos - CDSA

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