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Title: Comparative homology of Pleurotus ostreatus laccase enzyme: Swiss model or Modeller?.
Other Titles: Homologia comparativa da enzima lacase de Pleurotus ostreatus: modelo suíço ou Modeller?.
???metadata.dc.creator???: SILVA, Marco Antonio.
NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, José Cordeiro do.
THOMAZ, Douglas Vieira.
MAIA, Rafael Trindade.
AMADOR, Vinícius Costa.
TOMMASO, Giovana.
COELHO, Glauciane Danusa.
Keywords: Enzima lacase;Laccase enzyme;Pleurotus ostreatus;Basidiomycete;Molecular docking;Ligninolytic enzyme;Basidiomiceto;Ancoragem molecular;Enzima ligninolítica
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: SILVA, Marco Antonio; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, José Cordeiro do; THOMAZ, Douglas Vieira; MAIA, Rafael Trindade; AMADOR, Vinícius Costa; TOMMASO, Giovana; COELHO, Glauciane Danusa. Comparative homology of Pleurotus ostreatus laccase enzyme: Swiss model or Modeller? Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, v. 40, p. 1-14, 2023. Disponível em:
Abstract: Laccases stand out in the industrial context due to their versatile biotechnological applications. Although these enzymes are frequently investigated, currently, Pleurotus ostreatus laccase structural model is unknown. Therefore, this research aims to predict and validate a P. ostreatus laccase theoretical model by means of comparative homology. The laccase target’s primary structure (AOM73725.1) was obtained from the NCBI database, the model was predicted from homologous structures obtained from the PDB (PDB-ID: 5A7E, 2HRG, 4JHU, 1GYC) using the Swiss-Model and Modeller, and was refined in GalaxyRefine. The models were validated using PROCHECK, VERIFY 3D, ERRAT, PROVE and QMEAN Z-score servers. Moreover, molecular docking between the laccase model (Lacc4MN) and ABTS was performed on AutoDock Vina. The models that were generated by the Modeller showed superior stereochemical and structural characteristics to those predicted by the Swiss Model. The refinement made it difficult to stabilize the copper atoms which are typical of laccases. The Lacc4MN model showed the interactions between the amino acids in the active site of the laccase and the copper atoms, thereby hinting the stabilization of the metal through electrostatic interactions with histidine and cysteine. The molecular docking between Lacc4MN and ABTS showed negative free energy and the formation of two hydrogen bonds involving the amino acids ASP 208 and GLY 268, and a Pi–sulfur bond between residue HIS 458 and ABTS, which demonstrates the typical catalytic functionality of laccases. Furthermore, the theoretical model Lacc4MN presented stereochemical and structural characteristics that allow its use in silico tests.
Keywords: Enzima lacase
Laccase enzyme
Pleurotus ostreatus
Molecular docking
Ligninolytic enzyme
Ancoragem molecular
Enzima ligninolítica
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Biologia.
Appears in Collections:Artigos Científicos - CDSA

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