The diversity of phenomena and the overlap of variables linked to genesis and evolution of linear erosive processes, which are divided into regions of stages different evolutionary behaviors and behavior along the slope make the choosing and implementing measures for its control. This work is intended to contribute to the knowledge and characterization of erosive features and their different excerpts with the elaboration of an integrated technical register, bringing together
systematized and hierarchical information sufficient to understand the
process and implementation of control measures. The field surveys,
considering the erosive feature and the slope that contains it, used
data and GPS system. The information obtained was transferred to the environment. CAD, georeferenced and classified by subject. For the erosion studied The analyzes considered the shape of the cross-sectional profile, presence of water streams, intercepted soil and rock classes, and erosive mechanisms which formed information pianos. The feature has been compartmentalized according to the spatial variation of each of these characteristics. Next, these sections were integrated, overlapping the information pianos individual. This integration formed a new data piano, which subsidized integrated final partitioning of the erosive feature. The methodology allowed the slope classification and the understanding of the dynamics and evolutionary stage of each erosion, the targeted choice of appropriate control measures by provided subsidies for the quantification of works and services needed for your control.