BORBA, G. R.; BORBA, Geraldo Ramos.
This dissertation presents a study of the shear strength properties of a lateritic soil of Paraíba State, Brazil. The shear strength properties of this soil were measured on molded specimens.
by static compaction using the triaxial apparatus with neutral pressure measurements. The laboratory program included drained and undrained assays, with specimens that were molded to varying moisture content of compaction and on specimens that were subjected to saturation in the triaxial apparatus after compaction. The shear strength parameters and the neutral pressure parameters obtained during the laboratory program were analyzed in relation to variations of the compaction moisture content and specific dry apparent weights. The results of this analysis show that the resistance parameters are highly dependent on the
moisture content of compaction. These results also allowed us to formulate
a suggestion of the behavior mechanism of these soils,
in terms of the changes that occur in a metastable structure, under different moisture contents and stress fields.