ROJAS, M. T. O.;; ROJAS, Morgana Targino de Oliveira.
Due to the identified transformations on the agricultural activities, the careless and the
progressive degradations of the rural constructions, all of this associated to a great agricultural
tourism development expectative and the imminent need to adequate the constructions to the
new tendencies of production and marketing, the present work had the objective to identity,
characterize and analyze the existing rural constructions of sugar cane distilleries of the Areia
County. The exigencies of the Agricultural Secretary and Sanitary Vigilance obligate the
diagnostic of the actual situation of the "rapadura" and "cachaza" commodities without
descharacterize its historic, architectonic and cultural patrimony. To proportionate a better
visualization of the sugar cane rural constructions on the county, some examples of these
constructions were shown with its constructive systems characteristics, materials and
architectonic style. It was observed that most of the edifications had a primitive constructive
system with an architectonic style predominantly colonial, builded in self-carried cement in
mud tiles, higher roofs and covers with wooden structures and ceramic tiles. Considering the
conducted adaptations it was observed that in fact decharacterization of the architectonic style
occurred, indicating that the actions being implemented could interfere on the touristic
potential of the region.