LUCENA, L. F. A.;; LUCENA, Luiz Felipe de Almeida.
The aim of this rescarch was to charactcrizc and assess the architcctonic and qualitativc
aspeets of the installations related to handling, races, production systems, and caprine
farming equipments in Paraiban Cariri. The data were collected from September 2003 to
January 2004, when a questionnaire with the necessary variables was applied to
accomplish this diagnostic. In this research, we noticed that the Oriental and Occidental
Cariri properties are characterized for presenting a low technological levei used in the
installations, without employing the modern practices of handling and sanity of the
flock. We could also verify that the great majority of the installations does not suit the
ideal parameters to the exploration of the milky flock (those to be slaughtered or
mixed), even presenting some positive data, such as the sheepfold orientation, that are,
in their majority, east/westward. The adopted production systems of caprine are the
extensive and semi-extensive, with demarcation divisions of pasture and properties, and
the animais WDR (without a definite race) are the great majority in the region goat
farm. The infrastructure of the property and installation is precarious concerning the
sewage, electricity, roads, and water resources and water supply, so it is necessary more
technological, scientific and financial investments.