BESERRA, W. R.;; BESERRA, Willian Ribeiro.
This research aims to shed light on the use of pesticides, on the reference of care to be taken in relation to abuse, the consequences of damage to human health and the environment, the disposal of packaging, personal protective equipment and recognition. of poisoning in the vianense community. The data collection instruments were strategies such as questionnaires, conversation wheel followed by the application of a knowledge and awareness class on the subject for the students, which was developed in three stages. Thus, a study of the general and historical notions was made and a discussion in the classroom was conducted with a questionnaire with students. A visit was also made followed by a questionnaire with the parents / farmers, in which it was seen that the large part of the community uses pesticides incorrectly. From these considerations, this paper seeks to show the importance that the school has with regard to educational measures of conscious use, generating knowledge about the way of care that should be taken in relation to the equipment used and the amount of pesticides applied. risks that may entail involving students who will be responsible for transmitting the awareness information to farmers (parents) and friends of the rural community of the Viana district of Bonito de Santa Fé, Paraíba.