FERINO, L. P. P.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6735645961960140; FERINO, Luiz Paulo da Penha.
Metformin is one of oral antidiabetic drugs most commonly prescribed in the world and can maintain this position despite numerous oral antidiabetic agents that have been introduced in treatment of Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Clinical innovations, new studies and pharmacological evidence in other pathologies such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hirsutism, metabolic syndrome, obesity and future pharmacogenetic points, as the fight against cancer, make this drug an constant attractive for studies ever more focused for better safety and efficacy of treatment. To that end, metformin within its vast field of study, provided a solution to public health problems as well as a detailed research work in human body, tracing the most true or most probable mechanism of action, seeking new perspectives on your statement, has become the object of this work. The review work was carried out to contain a larger number of classical and modern information on metformin in all aspects of the product, analyzing databases such as Medline / PubMed, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) and Periodicals CAPES. Several studies were found showin the possibilities of action of metformin. Many of these were used in this monography making the use of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Classic articles, clinical trials, review papers has demonstrated that metformin is a hypoglycemic acting effectively not only in diabetes mellitus, but in the polycystic ovary syndrome and metabolic syndrome, as confirmed by several randomized trials in humans. In fact, metformin is a drug of first choice for some diseases, and studied taken based on pharmacogenetics, it may assist in more disease than expected.