MOTA, A. C. S.;; MOTA, Antonio Carlos Soares de.
The use of the most varied didactic resources in the teaching of geography is
characterized as a fundamental didactic strategy to overcome the difficulties that the
traditional teaching and the decontextualization of the students' reality have been
causing for a long time, besides potentiating its teaching-learning process, referring
to the themes of geography, especially in its physical aspect. In this sense, this
research aims to produce and experiment contextualized models that address
Physical Geography, specifically the Semiarid basin and its implications on the
teaching-learning process in the classroom through the mediation in the context of
Maria Balbina Pereira School. located in Santa Luzia do Cariri district, municipality of
Serra Branca-PB. In this research, we use the assumptions of qualitative research
through Action Research. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and
interpretively, as they are characterized by observation and correlation of facts,
seeking to describe the characteristics or relationships that exist in actions performed
in the classroom through Action Research. The stages of this research were
presented through images that showed the moments of pedagogical mediation and
other moments of the research, such as the construction of models, the application of
questionnaires, etc., and the information obtained through the application of
systematized questionnaires organized in pictures for better understanding. We
verified that the production and experimentation of the models built and applied in the
scope of this research contributed significantly for the students to understand the
importance of the study of the watersheds, mainly in the semiarid, and its
implications in its context. This whole process, mediated and enhanced by the use of
classroom mockups.