BRITO, K. P.;; BRITO, Kildery Pedrosa de.
The Northeast region of Brazil often faces water crises caused by the scarcity of rainfall, a situation that generates social difficulties for the people who inhabit the region. With the lack of water, problems arise in the supply for human consumption and directly affect the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, consequently making it difficult for men to stay in the countryside. As an immediate solution, rural communities, such as Aroeiras and Pau Ferro, are increasing the number of wells drilled to meet their basic needs and also to maintain the practice of agriculture. Given the importance of groundwater for the northeastern population, this study aimed to evaluate the water quality of artesian wells in rural communities Aroeiras and Pau Ferro located in the municipality of São José de Piranhas, Paraíba. For this, two samples of water were collected from each of the eight artesian wells under study and the physical-chemical parameters and hygienic-sanitary conditions were analyzed promoting a comparison with the appropriate standards for human consumption according to the specific legislation in force. Based on the results obtained, the parameters of the physicochemical analysis met the potability standard, considering that all samples obeyed the limit values allowed by the legislation. In the microbiological analysis it was found the presence of coliforms in all samples analyzed, classifying the waters according to the legislation as unfit for human consumption, since the presence of coliforms may indicate the existence of pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to adopt water treatment treatments.