SOUZA, E. S. L.;; SOUZA, Elvis Stanlley Leite de.
The present work seeks, through theoretical foundations, to determine through laboratory practices the cariogenic potential of industrialized soft drinks, since they have a considerable amount of sugar and also a high concentration of acids that are major contributors to the development. of this pathology. For the development of the research, 10 (ten) samples of industrialized soft drinks of different brands were collected, which were prepared according to the label. Measurements were made using a pH meter, thus determining the level of cationic hydrogen concentration present in each sample. Then, the amount of Total Soluble Solids (TSS) was determined using a Brix-scale refractometer. The result showed that the analyzed samples presented high acidity level, as well as a considerable amount of total soluble solids. And with this, the constant consumption of this product can contribute to the development of caries.