; LUCENA, Bruna Kelly Pinheiro.
The meiofauna consists of important taxa in the aquatic ecosystem. A major component of
this community is the phylum Nematoda which is important participant in trophic webs and
energy ecosystem and can even act as a bio-indicator of environmental conditions. Meiofauna
and more specifically the nematofauna of freshwater ecosystems, little is known compared to
what is known to marine environments. This study aimed to characterize the meiofauna
structure community and this nematofauna in limnic environments of the Curimataú
Ocidental Paraibano through a characterization of the community and abiotic factors of 6
water reservoirs (Cairana, Jacaré, Arara, Soledade, Olivedos e Poleiros). Abiotic factors
varied between prospected environments, especially salinity had high values, characterizing
the water of reservoirs analyzed as brackish or in the case of the Olivedos dam, such as saline.
There were significant differences between the community and meiofaunística
nematofaunística 6 prospected environments. The meiofauna was composed of 9 higher taxa,
with dominance of Nematoda, and Ostracoda and Turbellaria for some points. The
nematofauna was represented by 16 genera and Monhystrella was the only genus present in
all analyzed environments. In some reservoirs was also dominance Daptonema and Trefusia.
Monhystrella hoogewijsi was identified for the Olivedos dam, where it was identified the first
male of the species.. The Olivedos dam presented with a different meiofaunística community
from others by high abundance of organisms and a nematofauna by the presence of an almost
monospecific community. This research has brought new and relevant data to meiofauna
Brazilian freshwater, for Monhystrella and biodiversity of the caatinga biome and thereby to
awaken new research to investigate aquatic ecosystems of the Brazilian semiarid region.