DINIZ, M. J.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2189299856840544; DINIZ, Marineide Jussara.
Brazil is ranked as highest for its great world reserves of a diverse group of metallic and
non-metallic minerals pointing out as one of the six most important mineral countries in
the world. Industrial minerals such as bentonite represent a great deal in the sum of the
mineral goods produced in Brazil. Storage silos play a very important role at industrial
processes, especially in the areas of mineration and agrarian industry, serving as means
of storage and manipulation at production processes. In some countries researches in
this area are applied through technical norms for the calculation of silos. The number of
researches in the area is still very limited and that is proved by the fact that Brazil does
not have a specific norm for " Actions and flow in silos" , which could guide projects
and professionals connected to the field even though it is one of the principal producers
of minerals in the world, thus causing several problems related to silo projects at
mineral products processing industries. The present work had the objective to determine
the physical and flowing properties of bentonite so they can be used for silos
dimensioning. Tests were performed with the TSG 70-140 machine known as " Jenike
Shear Cell" presenting the following properties: humidity level, granulometry,
consolidated density, angle of internal friction, effective angle of internal friction, wall
friction angle, flow function and flow factor. Made adjustments being obtained define
equations that were adequate for the experimental results. An analysis was also applied
at the kind of flow occurred at prismatic silos with eccentrical discharge for two kinds
of discharge transversal sections and two kinds of storage time. Average runoff
discharge was finally determined. The discharge holes used in the experiment were able
to guarantee mass flow without the occurrence of cohesive arches. The properties
determined in the experiment can be inserted at a future Brazilian norm actions and flow
in silos.