SOUTO, F. A. C.;; SOUTO, Francisco de Assis Coutinho.
Systems that exhibit resource contention usually are modelled using the networks of queues
paradigm Examples of that systems are computer networks, traffic systems, manufacturing
process, bank branches, etc. This dissertation introduces SAVAD, an expert system for
performance evaluation of models for networks of queues. SAVAD chooses and efficiently
applies the most adequate technique (analytic or numeric) in order to solve the user proposed
model, issuing the requested pertinent performance measures. SAVAD provides a powerful,
flexible, intelligent and friendly interface, which allows the user to easily model networks of
queues using modeling elements. The object-oriented approach was used in designing and
implementing SAVAD. The nice characteristics inherited form this approach (namely: software
reusability, extensibility and modularity) allow SAVAD to be easily enrichable by new modeling
elements and by new options for both analytical and numerical solutions.