FERREIRA, H. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5630297359539958; FERREIRA, Hilberto de Assis.
The maize is one of the cultivated plants of bigger economic and social
importance being object of extensive studies in the world, in the Brazil is the
second cereal more cultivated. The nitrogen is the nutrient extracted in bigger
amount, of bigger cost and also what more influence the productivity of the
culture. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the answer of the culture of
maize the six nitrogen leveis in the paraibano hinterland. The experiment was
carried in the period of July the October of 2009 out at the farm Vale
Augustinho in the Paulista - PB. The experimental design was arranged in a
randomized block with six treatments (O, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 kg ha'l of N)
and four repetitions. The maximum productivity of grains (7,32 t ha'l) was
gotten with the dose of 203,75 kg ha'l of N. Wlth the regression analyses
quadratic functions had been verified for the production components (mass of
the ear, production for plant, length of the ear, number of grains for ear and
mass of 100 seeds). The productivity of Hybrid AG 1051 positively correlated
with all the production components, except for the diameter of the ear, and
with blgger evidence for the weight of the ear, production of grains for plant
and length of the ear. The levei of the 150 kg ha'l promoted significant
increase of the productivity and the main components of production of the