DANTAS, J. G.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1741239568683470; DANTAS, Josimar Gomes.
The degradation of the savanna through the entropic action ends for committing the
natural resources and the sustainability of this biome more and more. The total retreat
or partially of the vegetation it leaves the exposed and susceptible soir to the erosive
process as well as the disappearance of vegetable species. This way the present work
had as objective accomplishes a rising phytosociologic in a savanna área, located in the
Sao Joao farm, in the municipal of Pombas-PB. The fragment possesses an área of 1 1
ha, located in the coordinates (6o42'10 " latitude South 37045'15 " longitude West). The
climate according to the koeppen classification and the (AW ' hot and humid) with it
measured of 431,8 mm of annual ram and medium temperature of 28th C. THE soir
characterized as vert sons fluids with variation of altitude from 187m to 206m. For
sampling of the component arboreous/arbustive 25 portions of 20m X 20m in a
systematic way were thrown with spacing of 10m among the game ones. In each portion
showed were all the individuais with High Circumference of the Chest 2 6 cm. Soon
after were appraised, phytosociologic parameters and diametric distribution for the
variables. Front the analysis of the data 2756 individuais belonging to 23 taxons and 14
families of those were classified which 1860 belonged the same species. The index of
diversity of the species in the área was (1 ,33 nata/ind-l). With relationship the total basal
área calculated for área this it was of 1 1 ,546 m2.ha-l . Observing the floristic dissimilarity
can verify that the portions 8 and 25 came as almost identical. The species that
presented the largest vague of importance was Crofon sor7dedanus.