; OLIVEIRA, Patrícia Poliane de.
The pedagogy of projects is a teaching and learning strategy that applies the demands of
education for the 21st century, since it creates and favors spaces for the use of active
methodologies, placing the student as a protagonist in the process of building knowledge. In
this sense, this work aimed to understand the pedagogy of projects as a didactic resource in
the process of teaching and learning chemistry in basic education. To this end, the project
entitled "Learning Chemistry from a New Perspective" was used as a methodological route:
Organic functions" which was developed through three thematic workshops, having as
structuring content a cut of organic chemistry, oxygenated and nitrogenous organic functions,
with 15 students from Celso Mariz School located in the city of Sousa-PB. Being classified as
a bibliographic and explanatory research with quali-quantitative approach, in which it was
possible to work with some methodologies such as problematization, contextualization, use of
applications and experimentation, since during the execution of the workshops the students
understood that chemistry is not only a theoretical discipline, but that it has an involvement
with the outside world. Therefore, it is possible to infer that the project pedagogy can enable
the teaching learning process in chemistry presenting itself as an important instrument for
organizing and systematizing content from topics relevant to the student, as well as, make it
responsible for its learning from the moment it proposes content for research and discussion
and facilitating the construction of knowledge.