SANTANA, João Batista de Lima.
The íbmily Cucurbitaceae is divided unto 2 süb-families: Zanonioideae and
Cucurbitoideae - and comorises about 1 18 genera and 825 species. Approximately 26 species
of Cucurbitaceae are cultivated as vegetables in various regions of the world. O experiment
aimed to evaluate the efnciency of different organic substratos on the production of seedlings
of pumpkin and watermelon. The experiments were performed in the laboratory of the
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Campus of Pombal. The work was
conducted from December 2008 to February 2009. Were evaluated the work of pumpkin:
number of leaves, plant height, diameter of the neck, fresh weight of shoot, âesh weight of
roots, total fresh weight, dry weight of shoot, dry mass of roots, total dry mass and stability
the turf according to the following substrates. Were evaluation in watemlelon plant height,
number of leaves, diameter of the neck, dry mass of shoots, roots and all. In the case of
pumpkin were used: Plantmax, sheep manure + soil, clay+ sheep manure, caule manure +
soil, caule manure + day, organic compost + soil, day + organic compound. Were used for
watermelon: Plantmax, caule manure + soir + band, manure + sand + day, soil + caule
mamute, caule mamute + day, sheep manure + soil + sand, sheep manure + day + sand +
sheep manure soil, sheep manure + day. For most varíables the Plantmax got the best results
to crops of pumpkin and Watermelon, however the altemative substrates can be successfülly
used in the production of seedlings.