OLIVEIRA, D. G. D. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5371531041615767; OLIVEIRA, Darlei Gutierrez Dantas Bernardo.
The purpose of living with the drought led to the emergence of the One Million Cistern
Program (P1MC), which consists of the construction of cisterns that can capture and store
the rainy season water and use it in drought. However, doubts about the water quality of
these reservoirs arose, thus aiming to monitor and evaluate the quality of cistern water in
the Baixa Grande Community, Cachoeira dos Índios PB. Thus, 20 cisterns that maintain.
supply only with rainfall water, following the analysis of physicochemical parameters
determining pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Apparent Color,
Turbidity, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity and Chlorides, and microbiological tests with
the determination of most likely number of Coliforms 35ºC, Coliforme 45ºC and presence
or absence of Escherichia coli, analyzed over a period of five months. The results showed
statistical variation in 100% of the samples in all physicochemical parameters. 20% of
the samples had the pH outside the standards determined by the current Ordinance,
reaching values of 11.12 and 11.52, besides the SDT having relatively high values for the
type of water in question reaching 366.5 mg.L - 1 . Coliforme 45ºC was also observed in
95% of the analyzed waters, which indicates fecal pollution of the reservoirs. However,
the on-screen research emphasizes the importance of cistern water analysis, as changes
were identified in 100% of the samples, which may make water use impracticable and
provide health problems for consumers.