The crescent disputes for the ín natura tropical fruits or their processed
products it has been verified for more than two decades, as well as its socioeconomic
importance for the North and Northeast Brazilian áreas and the interest of the fruits
producing and agribusiness in the commercial export of Spondias, The present work had as
objective evaluates the physical and physiochemical transformations in fruits of the Spondias
gender: umbu and umbu-cajá in three maturation stadiums, representing the first stage for
the establishment of maturity indexes used as criteria for spondias crop and storage. The
umbu and umbu-caju fruits were collected of different plants in the municipal district of
Pombal e Paulista in Paraíba State, respectively and appraised as for the physical and
physiochemical characteristics. They were appraised three maturation stadiums for each fruit
of the Spondias gender: umbu and umbu-caju. where: stadium l (B) - fruits with green
coloration break - Breaker (B)l stadium ll - fruits with beginning of the yellow pigmentation
(IP)l stadium 111 - fruit with yellow predominance (PA). After the crop, the corresponding fruits
to each maturation stadium, it was taken to the UATA laboratory. It was installed a entirely
casualty random, with 3 (three) repetitions of 36 fruits/stadium for the physical evaluations
and of 12 fruits/stadium for the physiochemical evaluations. The data were submitted to the
averages test, used Tukey at 5% probability levei. In agreement with the results, it was
verified that maturation stadium PA (yellow predominance) for the two types of appraised
fruits it presented the largest tenors of soluble solids, being the more suitable maturation
stadium for the pulp processing, juices, etc and the physical evaluations didn't present
considerable significant effects for the appraised fruits in the three maturation stadiums,
verifying that these already presented this full development in cellular expansion.