Organic matter incorporation associated with solarization has been presented
as a quite promising progress, because, several pathogenic controls are not
functioning for solarization, when used separately, it has been reducing time control
drastically. This technique, also, has been providing a significant increase in some
microorganisms' community present in the soir. Therefore, the objective of this study
was to identify and to quantify the nematofauna associated to the substratum under
biofumigation effect (organic matter incorporation associated with solarization)
cultivated with watermelon. The experiment was carried out in soil that presented
Me/oldogyne mayaguens/s historicall originate from the Granja Acarape, located in
the municipal district of Pombas - PB. The treatments were: Substratum solarizedl
Substratum solarized + manipueira 100%l Substratum solarized + manipueira 50%l
Substratum solarized + manipueira 25%l Substratum solarized + manipueira 10%l
Substratum with manipueira 100%l Substratum with manipueira 50%l Substratum
with manipueira 25%l Substratum with manipueira 10% and Substratum no
solarization. The design was completely randomized, with ten treatments and ave
repetitions. 50 transparent plastic bags were used, and, 25 bags containing
substratum (3 Kg) with your owed manipueira quantity were maintained in the sun
(solarization) and 25 were maintained to shadow, for a period of 10 days. The
evaluations were accomplished to 60 days after the watermelon planting, through
count of root-knot present or absent in the plants and nematodes number present in
the substratum samples contained in the vases. So much, as solarization with
manipueira incorporation as manipueira incorporation, separately, controlled
Me/ofdogyne sp. population in substratum. Solarization, separately, did not control
Me/oidogyne sp. population in substratum and solarization, separately, or associated
with manipueira incorporation increased Rhabd/f/s sp. population in substratum.