SILVA JÚNIOR, A. V.;; SILVA JÚNIOR, Agenor Veloso da.
This paper analyzes the interaction between users and street furniture inserted in a public environment, taking into account the affective aspects generated in a specific context. The environment chosen as a case study was the city center of Campina Grande-PB, as it became a project intervention site for the purpose of urban requalification (Campina Déco Project), implemented in the beginning of this century. It was necessary to: characterize the urban environment studied; evaluate users' perception of existing street furniture, relating it to their main emotions; to verify whether the affective aspects about the urban space can influence the use of the urban furniture inserted in it. To achieve the objectives of this research, the mixed methods strategy was adopted. As this is a qualitative research, we used data collection procedures such as: structured observation; interviews and questionnaires applied to users individually and in groups (focus groups). As a result, several problems were identified that are directly linked to the quality and vitality of the environment, generating negative feelings to the user, reducing the sense of appreciation and possession that is so important for a good interaction. Given the above, we could answer the guiding question of this research, by verifying that the same urban furniture (designed with formal and aesthetic reference in the “Déco Sertanejo”) may or may not integrate with the built environment, depending on its interaction with the building, surroundings and with users.