LIMA, K. B.;; LIMA, Klébia Bernardes de.
Within the process of seedling production, the substrate carnes
primary role. because influences on the initial development of the plant. It is at this stage that occurs the definition of the productive potential of the culture, needing for this choice the best substrate. This study evaluated the production of lettuce seedlings. in cooler trays with organic substrates. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory and installed Didatic of Academia Unit of Agricultural and Food Technology, Center for Agro Science Technology, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus de Pombas - PB. Compared the following combinations of substrates: TI = Plantmax(Witness). T2 : goat manure + soil+ sand(l:l:l v/ v/ v); T3 goat manure + mud + sand(l:l:l v/v/ v), T4: goat dung + soir(3:1 v/ v), T5 : goat manure + day(3:1 v/y), T6: organiccompound + soir + sand(l:l:l v/y/v) : T7 organic compound + day + sand (l:l:l v / v / v) : T8 + soil organic compound + soir (3:1 v / v) T9 : day + organic compound ( 3:1 v / v). At 30 days after the emergence were anatyzed the variables: plant height, number of leaves, percentage of emergency, dry weight of the shoots, root dry weight, total dry mass and stability of the clod. The substrate Plantmax promoted higher values for the root dry weight, total dry mass and stability of clod. Among the alternative substrates, mixtures of organic
compost + soir + organic compost + day, presented higher for number of leaves, dry weight of shoot and total dry mass, which theses efficients for the production of seedlings of lettuce. The substrates with goat manure did not promote positive effect for the production of plant biomass of seedlings of lettuce.