ZÓGOB, Luiz Erlon Leandro.
Considering the great importance of production of bovine milk to the support and development ofhuman's lide, as well as the ride conspicuous at economia sector ofthe world, the present work realized having as an objectivo the diagnostic of system of production of milk of mixed cows in property producer of milk, âixed of city of Lavras da Mangabeira, in the inland of State of Ceará. At work, was used simples methods of observation of animal practices development of producer unit, to like this way was appraised the correlation between animal handling effected and the consequentes in the production of milk, including searching betters and more efHcient techniques and measures who retine the production of milk. The system of production more indicated is the intensive, with controlled handling, possibility of store aliments during all the year, and more hygienic-sanitary contrai at the milking. Even without appropriates techniques and handling, the animais of intensivo system of production as nluch as the of middle-intensive showed a appropriate mean of production ín accordance with every system.