SOARES, R. F.;; SOARES, Rafael Farias.
Due to the great expansion of the sheep creation, mainly to the expressive increase of the number of animais (pure of origin) of the rale Santa Inês in the área polarized by Pombas - PB was aimed with the accomplishment of this work to accompany, to tell and to describe the
system of handling of sheep of elite of the race Santa Inês. The study was led in the municipal districts of Pombal, São Bentinho, Condado and Cajazeirinhas that are located in the área west of the State of Paraíba, Mesa-área of the Sertão Paraibano and Micro-Region of Sousa. It was applied questionnaires that consisted of questions on the degree of the creator's instruction, the creation system adopted in the property, the allmentary handling of the animais, the type of facilities and existent equipments in the property, the applied sanitary handling in the animais and the applied procedures in the reproductive handling. We concluded that to get the success of a system producing of elite animais is done necessary to possess race with the best genetic selection, balanced diet, an enterprising producer, labor qualified, appropriate facilities and high technology.