DIAS, R. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1886776455415650; DIAS, Rondynelli Sobral.
Guava plantation (Ps/d/um gua/ava L. cv Paluma) in Pombal region, Paraíba State, Brazil, has been infected by nematodes causing significant damage in the production. In this study, nematode identification, different organic materiais and soir solarization effects were investigated. Soil samples and guava rhizosphere were collected from three commercial orchards, which showed root-knot nematode symptoms, for identification a-esterasic fenotype. Besides, a randomized block design experiment with ave treatments (soir incorporated with, 1 ,3 kg/m', sunnhemp, castor beanl neeml 0,5 kg/ m2 of castor bean + Solarization and control) and ave replicates were carried out. After 30 days, in each experimental unit were sown watermelon seeds in order to determine nematode disease incidence. Galãs incidence was recorded at the 60 days after the plantation by counting plant numbers that showed galãs and necrosis symptoms. The profile Est M2 (Rm: 0.7, 0.9) identified Me/o/dogyrle mayaguens/s species as the phytoparasitic that cause disease in guava plantation. This is the first report of this parasite in Paraíba State. The use of treatment soil incorporated with castor bean plus solarlzation, no showed root-knot incidence on watermelon plants, on useful treatment área, suggesting that this treatment is a potential alternative control of M. mayaguens/s populations. Sunnhemp, pastor beanl neem treatments, in of 1 ,3 kg/m2 , presented high incidence of galls in watermelon plants, there was no A4. mayagt/ens/s populations control.