SOUSA, V. L. B.;; SOUSA, Vera Lúcia Bandeira de.
The cilantro (Cortar?drum saf/vum L.) is a species horticultural, whose
leaves and seeds are used, as seasoning, in the composition and decorations of severas plates of the Brazillan cookery, mainly in the Northeast área. A lot of horticulturas find in Brazil action-solubilizing conditions favorable but, your cultivations and commercialization are not still expressive. In Paraíba, the cilantro is cultivated in almost ail NllCRO-REGlunNS BY email producers wlthout any agíonomic orientation, what has been causing fala in the revenue of this culture The experiment was accomplished from October to November of 2008 in the section of horticulture of the Agrotecnic school of Sousa - PB, with the objective of evaluating the effect of the condition of fruit -seed and seeding density on the development of the plants of the cilantro. The used experimental randomized was of casualty blocks with distributed treatments in factorial outline 2 x 5, being the first factor represented by two conditions of the fruit (fruit normal seed and fruit- seed broken) and the second, ave seeming density (1 ,513,014,516,0 and 7,5 g m-l). The appraised characteristics were height of the plants, number of plants, fresh massa the number of sauces for square
meter and productivity of the cilantro. There isn't significant effect for the factor condition of the fruit -seed in any of the analyzed variables, as well as for interaction between conditions of fruir -seed and planting density. The break of the fruit -seed of the cllantro didn't exercise effect on the productivity of the culture, while the density 4,5g of fruit cilantro seed for meter guaranteed the largest number of sauces (42, 83) and the best productivity.