PEREIRA, V. M. O.;; PEREIRA, Virgínia Maria de Oliveira.
Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world and is cultivated in most of the tropical countries. lts quality is a factor of high importance in its commercialisation, especially when it is destined to in natura consuming. So as to keep this quality it takes proper cultivation conditions, season, maturation stage and postharvest handling. Therefore the aim of this monograph is to evaluate the physico-chemical quality as well as identify and quantify the postharvest incidence of fungo from the three cultivars of banana (solver, apple and dwarf) commercialised in the fair of the city of Pombal -PB from october to november of 2008. It was weekly collected from each cultivar eighteen fruits (eight for quality and tem for phitopathological analysis) and then transported to the laboratory on UFCG. The evalueted characteristics were the folowing: mass of fruit, pul performance, length, diameter, externas apeearance, firmness. Acidity, soluble solids, pH, SS/AT relation and fungo incidence. After the data collectinga descriptive analysis of the evalueted characteristics was done. It was found a high incidenceof stains and/or rotten parts that compromised the appearance of the banana due to the high incidenceof fungi causing diseases, especially those of the gender Co//efofrichum sp. and Rhizopt/s sp. The changes in the external appearance however didn't alter the acidity and soluble solids leveis of the pulp.