OLIVEIRA, A. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5478552412286333; OLIVEIRA, Aurilene Ferreira de.
The difficulty in guiding 9th grade students to produce the scientific article, in order to
socialize the process of scientific investigation belonging to the Elementary School
Conclusion Work, in a public school in the state of Pernambuco, led to reflections on
the existence of weaknesses in the study. academic literacy in the initial formation of
native language teachers, since the scientific article belongs to the scientific
academic domain. In order to highlight the importance of academic literacy in the
initial and continuing education of the mother tongue teacher, understanding how the
practices of academic literacy determine the construction of the identity of the
Portuguese language teacher, the respective study was used. methodological
proposal the autoetnographic writing, whose constitution allowed the researcher to
act as a researcher and object of investigation from the use as research corpus of
her academic experiences, with emphasis on the university academic, and thus, to
elaborate a book of activities whose proposal intends the promotion. of the academic
literacy of elementary school teachers, from the production of the discursive genre
scientific article. The investigative path taken with the theoretical contribution of the
New Studies of Literacy favored the understanding that the predominance of the
autonomous model of literacy during basic education and the skills model during
higher education contributed to the pedagogical practices adopted by the
investigated teacher vulnerable proposal of mother tongue teaching in relation to the
orientation of its 9th grade students to produce the scientific article genre, or to any
other academic subject. Having said that, in-service or continuing education with the
support of the university represents an opportunity for elementary school teachers of
mother tongue II to develop academic literacy practices from the development of the
investigative spirit of their Portuguese language teaching practices combined with
relevant theoretical conceptions, and thus, insert their students in sociocultural
practices of reading and writing, contributing to the promotion of literacy practices in
the school environment.