The objective of
this research is to understand and discuss the influence that the Brazilian
military dictatorship has on Silviano Santiago's novel Stella Manhattan . Therefore, the
theoretical basis for this work was mainly the studies by Rollembe r g (1999); Regal et al.
(2 001); Candido (2006), which portrays the relationship between literature and society;
Rezende (2013); Napolitano (2014), in which they treat the period of Brazilian DM in
di f ferent perspectives; and Schollhammer (2009). Regarding the methodology, it is a
b ibli o graphical and descriptive research that seeks to understand the problems addressed in
the novel Stella Manhattan by Silviano Santiago, regarding the research universe, is
focused on theoretical readings about the relationship between the literature. a nd society,
and the period of the Brazilian DM. As for the reasoning, it is based on books that portray
the f a miliarity of the social environment with literature and that expose the historical facts
of the dictatorial period. The purpose of the study is to point out in the novel Stella
Manhattan facts that refer to the Brazilian DM, and analyze within the work which
questions can d i rect the reader to make an association between Silviano Santiago's novel
and the political and social events that followed the military regime. Santiago's novel
discusses a whole theme of gender identity, as well as bringing to the reader events from a
military ruled Brazil. Thus, using DM as the background of the novel Stella Manhattan,
Santiago pr e sented through of the character s, the events in Brazil during the lead years.
Using the co n struction of the book to show fragments of a lived reality, without the
historiographical commitment, but bringing readers the story dressed in fiction. Works
such as Silviano Sa n tiago's are relev ant to the current discourse, and demonstrate how
much literature contri b utes to society. Contemporary Brazilian fiction sheds light on this
past, and continues to illuminate the recent socio political conjuncture, in which
authoritarian discourse seems to haunt us again. The discourse found in the work, would fit
the prevailing joint, in many aspects, and can also be used as resistance and struggle, to
everything that has been pr e sented in our scenario, social cultural political.