FARIAS, O. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3912943711701774; FARIAS, Otília Ricardo de.
The use of seed treatment is an efficient way and, increasingly needed in pathogens
control. Among the treatments, the use of herbal extracto, condiments and / or aromatic
have shown to be a viable alternative for pathogen contrai associated with seeds. The
aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of garlic extracts, cinnamon bark and
flower buds of clave at a concentration of 20% on the micoflora and physiological
quality on seed of varieties BRS Patativa and Costela de Vaca (Vlgna uniu/cu/afa (L.)
Walp). The seeds were grown in the experimental área of the CCTA/UFCG in Pombal
- PB. The method used for the analysis and identification of fungi on seeds were on
filter paper substrate "blotter test". Were used for the sanitary test 200 seeds per
treatment, and distributed in eight replications of 25 seeds. The seeds were immersed
in the extract for 10 minutes, then incubated in petri dishes (diameter 15,0 cm),
maintained for a period of seven days at a temperature of 25 t 2'C under a photoperiod
of 12 hours of fluorescent white light. For the physiological quality were used 100
seeds, with four replications of 25 seeds per treatment, distributed on paper "germitest"
at 30'C temperature, evaluating effect of the extracts on the germination, first count
and speed index germination. The experimental design for the sanity analysis and
physiological quality was completely randomized. The fungi identified in seed of the
varieties cowpea BRS Patativa and Costela de Vaca were 4spe/gl//us n/ger,
Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Colletotrichum sp. arte
Mac/ophomlna phaseo//na. In this work the highest incidences were of Co//efofrlchum,
4sperg///us É7avus at the two varieties. Except to the genus Pen/c////um, the extracts
used were effective in reducing the incidence of pathogens in BRS Patativa. However
for Costela de Vaca variety the extracts were effective only for the Fusadt/m and
Co//efofrfchum fungi. The extracts of garlic and clove Índia completely ínhibited the
incidence of the FusaHum in both varieties. All extracts inhibited the development of
Mac/ophomina phaseo//r7a in BRS Patativa. The application of plant extracts did not
affect seed quality evaluated on the two cowpea varieties.