; COSTA, Larissa Cavalcante.
The Begomovirus genus belongs to Geminiviridae family of viruses that infect plants and is transmitted by whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) vector, which is also considered one of the major pests of agriculture. The present study investigated the diversity of begomovirusesin the whitefly vector (B. tabaci) in areas of Paraíba, Minas Gerais and the Federal District. A total of 17 samples of whiteflies were collected from 12 plant species in areas of Paraíba, Minas Gerais and the Federal District and used for the detection of begomovirus DNA-A by PCR, RCA and RCA-PCR with specific primers. Viral amplicons were cloned and the recombinant clones were selected on selective medium containing X-Gal and IPTG. The presence of amplicons was confirmed by restriction enzyme patterns generated by EcoR I and Msp I on plasmid DNAs of selected clones isolated and then sequenced. The begomovirus DNA-A sequences isolated from whiteflies collected from cotton plants EMEPA-PB, in Emilia, black prick, beard-of-hawk, jatropha, eggplant and malvona present in the Federal District, were analyzed bynucleotide sequence identity percentage and phylogenetic groups compared to other begomovirus strain sequences available in GenBank database. As a result, five species of begomovirus (SiYBV, CoMoV, SiMMV, BGMV e SiGLSV) revealed the diversity of begomovirus present in whiteflies in the studied areas, but that is not necessarily present in the respective plants where the flies were collected. The PAL1v 1978 PAR1c 496 primers described for begomovírus DNA-A detection from plants were also efficient for detection of this specific viral genomic component from whitefly vector. The specific detection of begomovirus DNA-A component by PCR from total DNA extracted from whiteflies was enriched by amplification by RCA. The BGMV begomovirus was found predominantly in whiteflies on plants collected in the Federal District. The diversity present in strains of thefive virus identified in this work was grouped into four phylogenetic branches supported by the nucleotide sequence identity percentage compared to sequences of the begomovirus strains available in GenBank database.