FERNANDES, I. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4119218664133971; SOUZA, Ítalo Fernandes de.
The present study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the national scientific
production on the link between Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the period between 2005
and 2018. The theoretical foundation was focused on three main topics: the nature of
entrepreneurship, innovation and the link between the two themes. Regarding the
methodological procedures, the research is quantitative, of a descriptive nature, based on the
bibliometric study of the articles available on Spell, Scielo, Capes, Anpad and Redalyc
platforms. For that, the following categories of analysis were used: publications, authors,
coauthories, platforms, Higher Education Institutions and most used methodologies. Twentythree studies were analyzed after applying the established criteria, which recognize the link
between Entrepreneurship and Innovation from their titles. The results indicate that the
national scientific production in this area is still embryonic, and has not presented significant
growth in the last 14 years. In addition, it was found that interest in the subjects remained
stable mainly between the years 2005 and 2009, accentuated in the year of 2010 and fell again
between 2011 and 2016, already in 2017 the surveys registered a new growth and finally, in
the present, 2018, until the end of the research, only one publication was carried out on the
platforms selected for this research, highlighting the possibility of having publications in the
process of acceptance. In addition, it is noted from this research the great potential for future
research on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, given the scenario of uncertainties and new
demands that we live.