FEITOSA, A. L. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0649542342864535; FEITOSA, Amanda Laysse da Silva.
The protection of women in situations of violence in Brazil has a trajectory of struggles and conquests, especially with regard to the creation of specific legislation and the services of the networks of coping and attending to this phenomenon. It is important to emphasize that the regulation of Law No. 11.340/06 (Maria da Penha Law) was decisive for the State to establish a social protection network to monitor, report and refer women in situations of violence. Therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the functioning of the coping network in the care of women victims of violence in the municipality of Cajazeiras / PB. Seeking to identify what and how the measures to combat violence against women are developed; as well as to understand, from the point of view of professionals in the areas of health, psychosocial and public security, what inter-sectoral relationships are established between the different institutions that constitute the network of attention to women in situations of violence; and to
identify the elements that constitute possible limits and advances for the concretization of the
actions of confrontation of the phenomenon under study in the municipality of Cajazeiras/PB.
The method used for the analysis was dialectical historical materialism. The data collection
instrument used was the structured interview with a script of open questions. The subjects of
the research were professionals from the Network Against Violence Against Women in the
municipality of Cajazeiras, from the following institutions: Cajazeiras Regional Hospital,
Reference Center on Women's Care and Executive Secretariat of Public Policies for Women.
The data collected showed that there are limits to be overcome, such as: greater number of
professionals in the network composition, greater articulation in services so that all
professionals speak the same language, among others evidenced throughout this research .
Thus, it is concluded that despite the network protecting women in the city of Cajazeiras/PB
face some challenges in their actions, in what refers to intersectoral articulation and the care
of victims of violence, the network is somewhat consolidated and strong.