BATISTA, G. L.;; BATISTA, Geovânio Lima.
This work is the result of the study in Education developed in the research line of
istory, Management and Educational Policies at Campina Grande Federal University. The
investigation sought to understand how the field educational policies were constituted in the territory of the western Cariri Paraibano in the period 2003 to 2013 and which individuals and organizations of the public power and civil society were involved in their formulation and Implementation. We start from three questions that guided the research itinerary, namely: who participated and how did you participate in the policies of Field Education in the territory of Cariri? How did the Field Education Territorialize in the Cariri in the period of 2003 and 2013? What are the advances, contradictions and limits identified in educational policies during the study period? Thus we take as central categories: Field Education (CALDART, 2002 and 2009; ARROYO, 1999; MOLINA, 2008; SILVA 2002 and 2017); Agrarian issue (FERNANDES 2004 and 2013; MARTINS 1986) Territorialization (FERNANDES 2013; SANTOS 2007); State and Civil Society (GRAMSCI 1982). We opted for the dialectical approach from the perspective of historical materialism, (FRIGOTTO 2001; KONDER 2004; KOSSIK 1986), which allowed us to analyze the object considering the territorialization process of capitalism in the Paraiba Cariri, the peasant resistance to the process of appropriation and concentration of land, work, water and income, and consequently , the organization process for participation in the dispute of public policies formulated from the Rural Territorial development program implemented in Brazil, from Lula’s government. The locus of the research was the territory of Cariri Western Paraiba, the temporal clipping was the period from 2003 to 2013, the procedures adopted to understand the totality of the object departed from three dimensions reality: The territorialization process of the capital In the Cariri and the peasant resistance, the territorial development policy that raised a space for the conciliation and social management of public policies: the Territorial Development Forum and the territorialization of the national policy of Field Education Played by the Field Education Movement with the public authorities. For this, we used as research instruments: Documental analysis and semi-structured interviews. In the treatment and analysis of the data we used the technique of content analysis by thematic analysis (BARDIN, 1977). Among the main conclusions that we reached the most significant was to identify the diversity of subjects
and institutions that have tematized the Field Education in the process of territorial
development, the importance that had the educational practices not Schoolchildren
coordinated by governmental programs, non-governmental organizations, universities and
social movements in rethinking basic schooling, in the massive dimension that took over the struggle for higher education in the territory, and how the creation of the center of Sustainable development of the semiarid-Campus Sumé -UFCG, stimulated a political and epistemological ambience to think the Field Education and the teacher training in the territory, consequently, the role played by the Territorial Forum of Development of Cariri Paraibano as an arena of dispute, concertation, contradiction and negotiating space between public authorities and civil society through access to development policies, among them the education of the field.