OLIVEIRA, É. V.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1208629719195837; OLIVEIRA, Érico Verissimo de.
The production of passion fruit cultivated in intercropping is little studied. and
information about the effects of this practice for culture become limited, another
essential factor for achieving high productivity and quality is the proper use of water.
Thus aimed to evaluate the quality of the fruits of yellow passion fruit intercropped
with cowpea under irrigation leveis and. The experiment was conducted under field
conditions at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus de .Pombas,
Paraíba, from July 2015 to April 2016, using a randomized block design, with
treatments arranged in a factorial scheme 5x2, corresponding to ave irrigation water
depths (60, 80, 100. 120 and 140% of actual evapotranspiration) and two cropplng
systems (monocropping and intercropped). repeated in four blocks. the following
physical characteristics of the fruit were: fruit weight (PL), weight .of.the pulp (PP),
vo ume of pulp (VP), longitudinal diameter (DL) and transverse (TD), thickness of the
shell (EC); and chemical characteristics: pH, titratable acidez Total .(TTA), !otan
soluble solids (' Brix) and vitamin C. The content intercropping provided the best
physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of yellow passion fruitl Fruits with
greater weight and acidity were obtained with the application of blades 1 00% ETr.