SILVA, D. F.;; SILVA, Dayane Ferreira da.
This work has as main focus the discussion about the existence of Neoconservatism in Social
Work and the analysis of the conservative class of this profession. The study‟s proposal
results of classroom debates on subjects about historical and theoretical-methodological
foundations of Social Work. Conservatism, in its various denominations, is characterized as
an aspect that exists since this craft was implemented in Brazil, becoming part of several
moments as a constituent feature of capitalist system and working class. In this context, this
work aims to analyze the existence of a Neoconservatism in the profession, choosing as
research subjects social workers at healthcare field. The chosen places were two public
hospitals at Paraíba‟s backwoods region, Regional Hospital of Sousa/PB and Regional
Hospital of Cajazeiras/PB because they have been characterized as instituions of reference to
municipalities that. The study had qualitative character, using as collection instrument semistructured
interviews, performed by recording authorized by interviewees, with an amount of
twelve questions that aimed to cover this work‟s objective. The sample was of the intentional
type, the most common type of non-probabilistic sample. The method used was the dialectical
critic, since it allows a greater understanding and theoretical support for unveiling the real.
We evaluate that despite advances experienced by the profession with renovation process,
intending to rupture with conservatism is a process that occurs until present days as a not
finalized moment of Social Work. In this context, Neoconservatism existence is something
that has been debated by many authors such as Santos, Netto e Iamamoto. In the reports
obtained in this work‟s research, most of the interviewees highlighted it as a fact characterized
as detrimental to functional practice effectiveness and which permeates postmodern postures
and the immediacy of professional demands at health area.