DIAS, J. E. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6417365540951525; DIAS, Jonatas Elyon da Costa.
Higher education has undergone profound changes in recent years, with national demand for
the service increasing, from 3.03 million in 2003 to 7.8 million in 2014 (CADE, 2016). The
growth of evasion rates is what concerns the most in this expanding market, it is worth noting
also the low occupancy of vacancies. The objective of this article was to evaluate the students'
opinion of the Administration Course of the Federal University of Campina Grande on the
quality and satisfaction with the service provided. The research is characterized as descriptive,
having as population the probable graduates in the 2018-2 and 2019-1 semesters, totalizing 81
students. The sample was 74 students, 90%. We used the model adapted from Oscar Jr, Kara,
Kaynak, (2005), also considering the work of Mwiya et al. (2017). Among the main results found, the final students of the Business Course of the UFCG are satisfied with the experience
of attending Administration and with the quality of the course at the UFCG. It is necessary to
emphasize the positive evaluation of the students the performance of the coordination.
Communication with teachers and practical activities in the course were negatively evaluated.
It is concluded, therefore, that the course is well evaluated by the students for their quality in
teaching, the expectation of rapid placement in the market and the experience of professional
development, through the absorption of knowledge, skills and abilities.