GOMES, M. P.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6254481873675112; GOMES, Monique Pereira.
This dissertation, developed in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Campina Grande, in Research Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management, has the general objective of analyzing the performance of the Santa Cruz do Capibaribe and Municipal Education Department / PE in the realization of the right to school education, after the signature of the Term of Conduct Adjustment no. 85/2013, which aims to reduce school dropout, considering the high presence of child labor in the investigated municipality. The study was developed with reference to the analysis of the performance of the Municipal Department of Education in the definition of policies and articulation with different spheres of society, public agencies, schools and municipal councils, in order to consolidate the guarantee of the right to school education for children and adolescents in the municipality. At work, the implementation of municipal educational policies was analyzed with the purpose of combating child labor, which threatens and guarantees this right for children and adolescents. The dissertation sought to carry
out a dialectical analysis of social, economic and educational issues that involve guaranteeing the right to education and the problem of child labor in the municipality of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe / PE. The object of study was analyzed, considering the dynamic and contradictory totality, in constant construction, in which it is inserted, and as part of a historical reality constituted of multiple political, social and economic dimensions. The investigation was carried out by means of a bibliographic review of the themes of the right to education and child labor, the analysis of federal documents, the state of Pernambuco and the investigated municipality and the performance of semi-structured interviews with representatives of the state, municipal government, representatives public bodies and school managers. In the municipality of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe / PE, it was possible to identify policies, actions and strategies that aim to guarantee the right to education and the fight against child labor by children and adolescents. The actions are
developed by public agencies of the state and municipal executive power and municipal councils and schools. The Municipal Department of Education is primarily responsible for coordinating with other public bodies and municipal councils to discuss, propose and ensure the implementation of the measures defined to guarantee the right to education in the municipality. The signature of the Term of Conduct Adjustment No. 85/2013, signed between the City Hall, the Public Ministry of Labor and the Public Ministry of Pernambuco, provoked, among the bodies responsible for the realization of the right to education, the debate and actions to ensure the protection of children and adolescents, as well as the eradication of child labor in the municipality. The study identified the actions implemented, the subjects involved in its operation, the material resources made available, as well as the scope of these initiatives, taking into account the social inequality present in the municipality, which generates alarming poverty rates that pressure the child's submission the reality of early work and the denial of his childhood. According to the Public Prosecution Service's August 14, 2018 Filing Promotion, the measures proposed in TAC No. 85/2013 were partially complied with by the City Hall and the other responsible bodies, for this reason, the civil investigation that motivated it, was filed in 2018. Despite the filing, the research identified that the measures adopted to meet the established goals
were insufficient to guarantee the right to school education for children and adolescents in the municipality, considering also the data of dropout students and, especially the numbers of students failing throughout the municipal network, and that, many of the proposed actions, transfer to schools and their families, in conditions of extreme poverty and social instability, the solution of failure and school dropout, disregarding the socioeconomic conditions that constitute the investigated reality.