LEAL, A. D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0733997331341067; LEAL, Aline Dionízio.
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the implications of the Alumbrar Project for the management of public elementary schools in the State of Paraíba between the years of 2013 to 2018. This research has answered some questions that guided further analyzes such as: How has the adoption of the Public-Private Partnership expressed in the Alumbrar project interfered in the redefinition of the educational policy of the State of Paraíba? How has the public-private partnership defined in the framework of the Alumbrar project interfered in the organization of public schools? To provide an answer it will be used as a methodology, the documentary analysis from primary and secondary sources. Along written this assignment it was possible to understand the developments of the Alumbrar Project (Provision of services signed between the FRM and the SEE / PB) for the public network, its financial implications for the State of Paraíba, it´s conception of formation, evaluation and the adjustment of the agenda of redefinition surrounding the context of public. From the data collected through INEP / MEC we challenge the fallacy "the private is better than the public", an affirmative that somehow always decrease the rhetoric of common sense. We break the Alumbrar Project into its details, design, methodology, curriculum, legal apparatus and contractual values; it was also discovered from other contracts that they are signed generating more expenses for the budget than what was already paid for the Project. This investigation concluded that the project fails in its primary objective: "to correct the age-series distortion", while the Paraiba´s indices did not obtain a considerable improvement in the coverage years of the Alumbrar Project, and even so, SEEE / PB renews the contract with FRM , making it a costly investment for public coffers.