SILVA, F. G.; SILVA, Francisco Gomes da.
The debate about the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana has gained a lot of
attention in Brazilian social media, and with this the dissemination of misguided information
regarding to its consumption, whether recreational or medicinal, has contributed to the growth
of conservatism and prejudice in good part of the population. Thus, the present research aimed
to understand how the students of Social Work has approached the them as the profession
praises the absence of prejudice and reductionist discourses based on "guesswork" and common
sense. For that, a quantitative-qualitative exploratory study was carried out with 100 students
from the first to the eighth period of the Social Work course of a university in the interior of
Paraíba. The participants answered a questionnaire about marijuana use and marijuana
legalization and decriminalization processes, and it was possible to observe that the majority
had opinions based on the prohibitionist, common sense, religious beliefs and stigmatizing and
reductionist discourses. The answers and justifications were marked by prejudice and
contradiction, listing the lack of knowledge and involvement in discussions that approach the
theme. A small portion of the students demonstrated ownership on the subject, expressing
concise opinions and supported by scientific facts and social research. It is clear that, just as in
society, most students, even without knowing about the historical process and the contexts
surrounding marijuana and without being aware of what their legalization and decriminalization
processes are all about, they are able to position themselves and justify against such
proceedings. However, understanding all of the processes and contexts involving marijuana
requires people to make the least amount of effort to find valid and sensible information in order
to avoid the reproduction of discourses based on common sense and the mystification of herb