FARIAS, I. R. Q.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0254001782733079; FARIAS, Inácia Roselli de Queiroz.
Linked to the research line of History, Politics and Educational Management of the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), this dissertation has as its object the continuous formation of literacy teachers developed by the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (Pnaic, in Portuguese), from its implementation in 2013. Aiming at reaching the central objective of analyzing the concepts that underlie this axis of the Pact, the research sought: to contextualize the policies of teacher education for basic education in Third Way neoliberalism in Brazil (1995-2014); clarify the main foundations and formulations of the conceptions of teacher education and literacy in dispute, in the second conjuncture of Third Way neoliberalism in Brazil (2007-
2014); identify the conceptions of continuing education, literacy and literacy teacher adopted by PNAIC. The research, inspired by the dialectical method (NETTO, 2013; WACHOWICZ, 2001), adopted the analytical categories of historicity and contradiction and, as categories of study, conceptions of teacher education, teacher and literacy. The research was carried out predominantly through documentary analysis, with emphasis on the Pnaic Teacher Education Notebooks, 2012 and 2015. The study allowed us to identify the predominance of hegemonic currents, based on the epistemology of practice, on the concepts of continuing education and of literacy teacher adopted by Pnaic. Thereby, in the
continuing education implemented by this Program, the instrumental dimension of pragmatic nature prevailed, to the detriment of scientific knowledge.