CAVALHEIRO, Thiago Brandão.
Shrimp farming is an economic activity of great importance for the northeast region of Brazil. The semi-arid northeast has a large amount of saline wells that can provide water and make the region a new area for this activity. This study consists in evaluating the effluent from desalination a factory of mineral water in Cariri for shrimp cultivation, making the comparison with the traditional cultivation done in the valley of the Rio Paraiba/PB. Physicochemical and microbiological water analysis were carried out in addition to the evaluation of growth, conductivity and pH of the ponds and content of fatty acids and metals of shrimp cultivation in the two regions. Growing waters were analyzed according to the parameters: pH, temperature, transparency, salinity, alkalinity, total hardness, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and total coliform, which remained in the limit established by Resolution CONAMA to shrimp farming for the positive contribution growth and survival of shrimps. The growth occurred in periods 74-86 days (effluent and water) and it is checked daily gain 40% of shrimp grown in desalinated water effluent front of the traditional model of cultivation. The mathematical model of cubic growth showed better adjustment index for the two regions. As to incorporation of salts in the soil layers there was an increase in both regions, however, the increase in cariri region was up to 340% the “Agreste”. The fatty acid analyzes showed higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in Agreste and monounsaturated fatty acids in Cariri region. The metals Mn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Co were detected in the carapace of shrimps in the two regions, with a slight superiority in the Agreste shrimps. The shrimp farming with desalination effluent is a potential alternative income generation for communities discard this material on the environment. Among the metals investigated Pb is expressing greater concern due to the occurrence of significant values that long-term if consumed can lead to health problems, a study is needed to identify the factors that led to bioaccumulation of these metals.